Boston Strong One Year Later

Photo via Dylan O'Dowd on Flickr

Photo via Dylan O'Dowd on Flickr

Yesterday, Boston commemorated the first anniversary of the Boston Marathon attacks. It's amazing how far the survivors have come in the past year.

I remember the moment I learned about the attacks. I was at my usual spot at Starbucks in Newtonville, Massachusetts. I just happen to check Twitter. It was spinning with tweets about runners being stopped well before the finish line. Something had happened.

At first, someone said it was a manhole cover explosion. Then people started talking about it being a bomb. I had a lot of friends running the marathon, and my wife was working downtown. It was frightening.

In the days after I did what I could. I tracked the cause marketing promotions I saw so people could support the victims and the newly created One Fund. I pinned them on Pinterest so people could easily find them.

Eventually, I pinned over 100 cause promotions. I just added the 100th pin last week! I certainly didn't catch every promotion. But you'll find a great variety of cause marketing promotions that ultimately raised millions of dollars.

Of course, the star in my collection is the Boston Strong tee from three Emerson College students: Chris, Lane and Nick. Dollars raised from the t-shirt just surpassed one million dollars!


CauseTalk Radio Ep90: Boston Strong or Boston Wrong?


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