Cause Marketing Hangout & Chat with Megan Strand & Peter Wright

Pete Wright, the producer of CauseTalk Radio, moonlights as an instructor for Marylhurst University and asked Megan Strand and me to join him for a class on - what else - cause marketing.

Here's Pete's description of the class.

Megan Strand of the Cause Marketing Forum and Joe Waters, author of Cause Marketing for Dummies, join me to share their insights and expertise on the field of cause marketing, the role of cause in strategic marketing campaigns, and how cause creates a bridge between product marketing and public relations. In the process, Joe and Megan share a few of their favorite campaigns and why these cause initiatives work for brand impact.

This was my first Google+ Hangout and it was a lot of fun. I hope to do more of them. Listen and learn as Megan and I talk about our favorite topic, cause marketing.


CauseTalk Radio Ep22: Cause Marketing Goes Back to School with Target, Boys & Girls Clubs


What My 14-Year-Old Brother Taught Me About Cause Marketing