Newsletter: Is Your Nonprofit as Cool as an Apple?🍎 ; How Pedigree is Using AI to Help Shelter Dogs 🐶 ; Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Wishing Well 🪙

Nonprofits may not splurge on flashy marketing campaigns, but at least we've always had fruit and veggies to chuckle at.

Maybe it's just the marketer in me, but am I the only one to ever wander down a supermarket aisle, gazing at the rows of bananas, oranges, cucumbers, and radishes, and think, 'Who's the marketing genius behind this?' 😏

No snazzy packaging, no catchy slogans—just plain ol' produce.

As a nonprofit marketer, it always made me feel good. "And I thought nonprofits had bad marketing and branding!"

👋 Well, say goodbye to your self-assurance because the humble produce aisle is undergoing a cool makeover.

​Yep, according to this article in the Wall Street Journal, the produce aisle is getting star treatment in marketing campaigns.🎁 (🎁 = I subscribe to this publication, and I'm gifting you this article.)

Before you pummel me with rotten fruit and vegetables, let's treat this as something we can all learn from!

🤩 Emphasize Visual Appeal. Just as eye-catching packaging draws consumers to fresh produce, you, too, can leverage compelling visuals to capture the audience's attention. Investing in high-quality graphics and multimedia content can enhance storytelling and convey your mission in a captivating way.

👉🏻 👉🏻 For example, check out this ​visually stunning case study​ from the Wounded Warrior Project or ​this one​ from the The Trevor Project.

❤️ Cultivate Brand Loyalty: In the mundane produce aisle, where every apple looks like the next, growers are discovering the power of unique packaging and compelling stories. Nonprofits can take a cue from this strategy. Remember, brands command. Build one, and support will follow.

👉🏻 👉🏻 For example, look at what the Cincinnati Zoo has accomplished by focusing its marketing on one zoo animal: Fiona the Hippo. Fiona's story has captivated audiences worldwide, leading to increased brand visibility, engagement, and even a whole line of Fiona merchandise. By leveraging Fiona's popularity through social media channels, the zoo has created a strong emotional connection with followers, driving increased interest and visits.

📊 Be Trendy. One trend in the produce aisle is that consumers increasingly prioritize health and seek transparency in their food choices. They're paying closer attention to the quality and origin of their produce, and produce companies are adjusting their pitches to consumers accordingly. Similarly, nonprofits should stay agile and responsive to trends, fads, and movements and adjust their marketing to ride a more powerful wave of influence to supporters' hearts and wallets.

👉🏻 👉🏻 For example, consider the advice that Todd Arrington, historic site manager at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site, ​shared with me last year​. Todd and his team have grown their Twitter following to nearly 32,000. That's huge for a historic site - much less for a site that commemorates a president who only served for a few months.

How did Todd build such a large following? In part by being trendy!

"It helps to be peripherally aware of pop culture, whether it's movies or music, or even memes that are going around," said Todd. "The key is to interject James Garfield into that."

Ok, what do you think? Am I as soft as grapes on this one, or is my thinking as pointed as a carrot and firm as an apple?! 🍇🥕🍎

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. How NASCAR’s ​sponsorship ecosystem​ is evolving with the times.

What nonprofits can learn from this article, according to ChatGPT

Adaptability: Nonprofits can learn the importance of adapting their sponsorship strategies to meet the changing needs of sponsors and donors.

Diversification: The article highlights NASCAR's efforts to diversify its sponsorship portfolio beyond traditional automotive brands. Nonprofits can learn to diversify their sponsor base to reduce dependency on any single funding source.

Innovation: Nonprofits can learn from NASCAR's innovative approaches to sponsorship, such as incorporating virtual reality experiences and digital activations. Embracing new technologies and creative strategies can help nonprofits attract and retain sponsors.

Data Utilization: The article discusses NASCAR's use of data and analytics to inform sponsorship decisions. Nonprofits can learn to leverage data to understand their donors and sponsors better, identify trends, and optimize sponsorship opportunities.

Collaboration: NASCAR's sponsorship ecosystem involves collaboration between teams, tracks, and sponsors. Nonprofits can learn the value of building strategic partnerships and collaborating with other organizations to maximize sponsorship opportunities.

Fan Engagement: Nonprofits can learn from NASCAR's focus on fan engagement and creating memorable experiences for supporters. By prioritizing donor and supporter engagement, nonprofits can build stronger relationships with sponsors and enhance sponsorship outcomes.

2. California ​finalized its regulations​ governing charitable fundraising platforms on March 26th, which significantly affects cause marketing activities taking place online. A new registration and reporting requirement goes into effect on June 12th.

How does ​California’s new fundraising platform​ law affect cause marketing? Karen Wu from Perlman & Perlman has you covered and promised an update I will share in an upcoming newsletter. Stay tuned!

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. Speaking of the importance of visual appeal…


2. How Pedigree uses​ AI to improve shelter dogs’ chances​ of adoption.

3. In a world increasingly dominated by digital experiences, nonprofits should be zagging and asking how they can ​create a "petting zoo"​ (I also call it "showrooming") so potential supporters can get hands-on experience with what they do.🎁

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Manager, Corporate Partnerships, ​GRAMMY Museum​, Los Angeles or NYC

2. Corporate Engagement, Fundraising Manager, ​Direct Relief​, Santa Barbara, CA

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Sad news last week: My washing machine died.🪦

(Note: I'm slightly laundry-obsessed and insist on doing a daily load. To me, the whirring of the washing machine ranks just below the hum of the vacuum on my list of delightful sounds. The gentle babble of a brook is somewhere in my top ten. The sound of children laughing? Don't ask.)

Since my wife is old school and insists laundry is a husband's responsibility, I thought I might have to resort to hand washing.

It turns out I'd be in good company as more than half the people in the world wash their clothes by hand.😳

That's why I love this newsletter story from Carol Cone about how her client Whirlpool ​is addressing this issue with an easy-to-use manual washing machine​ that doesn't require electricity or a connected water supply.

I would love one of these as a backup! My wife has even offered to buy me one for my birthday in September. What a gal!

2. Looking to raise some money? ​How about a wishing well​ that collects nearly $4,000 per day? All those coins have to go somewhere! Americans ​throw away $68 million in coins​ every year!

Thanks for reading this week! As always, let me know if you have any questions or if I can be helpful in any way.


Newsletter: Turn Your Halo Award Application Into Case Study Gold 🏆; 9 Ideas to Market to ​Young People Who Seem Unreachable 🙉 ; A Great New Book on Corporate Partnerships 📕🤝