Newsletter: Turn Leads Into Partners with Session Recordings 📼 ; How to Partner with a Propane Delivery Biz 🔥; Jon Stewart Smashes the Myth of Corporate Morality 😈

Today, I want to share something that could be useful to your corporate partnership efforts: watching session recordings of visits to the partnership pages on your website.

Many of you have corporate partnership web pages with email signup forms and "contact us" forms.

For example, I found this ​"contact us"​ form via No Kid Hungry's corporate partnership web page.

But what happens when the visitor doesn't complete the form? 🤔

That's where session recordings come in.

👉🏻 👉🏻 Using tools like Clarity (FREE), Lucky Orange, or HotJar, you can watch how visitors interact with your forms. You’ll see precisely where they hesitate, abandon the process, or get confused.

This insight is pure gold because it ensures that your forms are as user-friendly as possible, increasing your chances of converting these visits into mind-blowing partnerships.🤯

So, don't just sit back and hope for the best. Dive into those session recordings and turn website visitors into opportunities. Your next big partnership could be just a form tweak away!

For more details on this strategy, including step-by-step instructions on how to set up an account with Clarity, read Andy Crestodina's original article at Orbit Media here. Scroll down to "#3: Watch session recordings of ‘contact’ page visits."

By the way, I love Andy's email newsletter, which is full of helpful web marketing tips. Andy is wicked smart!

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. How to do cause marketing with a ​propane delivery company​. This program benefited Future Farmers of America.

2. Companies have obviously ​reduced their support for Pride Month, but some see a silver lining.

3. I want this ​iced coffee-inspired iPhone case​ designed to mimic Dunkin's drink - complete with floating ice cubes! Proceeds benefit the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. ​Ten ways to attract prospects to your partner website​. I agree with Linda and Sharon that a "Meet the Team" section is overkill and doesn't drive conversions. I would ditch it.

2. I've gotten a lot of good feedback on my post on the ​importance of surveying your audience​ to land more marketing partnerships. A reader sent me this resource from Survey Monkey: 10 best practices for creating effective surveys. Bookmark it.

3. Something to consider when sharing your partnership work with others. What's the story? Case studies can help!

“The shortest distance between two people is a story.” – Patti Digh

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Corporate Partnership Officer, ​Cascade Bicycle Club​, Greater Seattle Area ($78k - $98k)

2. Cause Marketing, Senior Associate, ​Rain Forest Alliance​, NYC ($60k - $89k)

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Oh, boy. Jon Stewart smashes the ​myth of corporate morality​ in Pride, BLM, and beyond.

2. ​The science of having a great conversation​. Hint: The key is to ask more questions!

3. It's so nice to be a winner...again. 🏀☘️🥱

Thanks for reading this week! As always, let me know if you have any questions or if I can be helpful in any way.


Newsletter: Battle Cards: Your Secret Weapon for Corporate Partnerships💥 ; Domino's ​Plans to Raise $174M for St. Jude 😮; How Email Marketers Should Approach Gen Z 👧🏻​