Newsletter: BGCA’s 3 Takeaways for Outstanding Case Studies ✅ ; How to Reach More Small Dollar Donors with Cause Marketing 🪙 ; Your Nonprofit Shouldn’t Ignore Media Requests ❌

I had a great experience writing case studies for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. They are a great organization with an excellent team and wonderful corporate partnerships.

👉🏻 👉🏻 You can learn three things from BGCA about producing outstanding case studies for your partnership sales team.

🎯 Assign a point person. I was lucky to have Tameka Kee, BGCA's national director of cause marketing, as my point person. Whenever I had questions about a corporate partner, Tameka was my first call. She got me answers ASAP. If someone was being unresponsive, a word to Tameka promptly resolved the issue. Tameka wasn’t just a liaison; she was exceptional at driving progress and achieving results. Moving forward, I plan to ask every client, "Who's my Tameka?". Having an excellent point person who can manage outreach and motivate others is crucial.

💥 Go big or go home. If you're serious about showcasing your nonprofit’s partnership program, don't settle for just one or two case studies. (Unless, of course, you've only had one or two corporate partnerships. It's important to start where you are.) BGCA had me write case studies on multiple partners. Multiple case studies give a fuller, more credible picture of your success with corporate partners. They show diversity and consistent results, which builds trust and attracts partners. Bottom line: The more case studies you have, the more PROOF you have of your effectiveness. So, go big or go home!

📈 Highlight tangible benefits. My case studies are different because I insist on highlighting how the corporate partner benefited from the partnership. BGCA fully supported my approach. This meant resisting the temptation to focus on how BGCA benefited from the partnership. Instead, they chose partners with compelling success stories who were eager to share their positive experiences and results. These powerful case studies will help them stand out and accelerate partner recruitment!

🏆 Ok, those are the lessons. Now, here is my FAVORITE case study: ​BGCA's partnership with Family Dollar.​ Be sure to check out the RESULTS section. 💥💥💥

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. Hey, today is Camp Day at Tim Horton's! The company will donate 100% of all hot and iced coffee purchases to Tim Hortons Foundation Camps, which help underserved youth.

But that's not all, and this is what makes this fundraiser so fun and comprehensive.

  • You can round up at the register or drop change in a coin box.

  • You can buy a Camp Day bracelet for $3​.

  • You can buy a Camp Day window decal for your car.

2. This article was written specifically for consultancies but includes some excellent suggestions on ​dealing with a prospect's indecisiveness​ that applies to partnerships. It's all about the prospect's fear of messing up! But how do you assure a prospect that you are an asset and not an ass? 🤔

3. ​How to reach more small-dollar donors​. I was totally ready to rant on how the article DIDN'T include cause marketing - but it did!

It included a nice mention of Macy's million-dollar campaign for The United Negro College Fund during Black History Month. It also included the innovative idea of using a company's call center reps to thank donors - and perhaps motivate them to make a bigger or additional gift. Wicked smahht! 🔒 (🔒 = This article is behind a paywall, but I can email it to you.)

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. How can my nonprofit ​benefit from launching a podcast?​ It's surprising more nonprofits don't use podcasts as their "keystone content asset." While I often suggest email marketing, podcasting is another channel where, unlike social media, you "own" the audience.

2. Is your nonprofit struggling to pick a "keystone content asset"? Read Nathan Barry's ​article in his latest newsletter​. He has some great advice. Nathan is the founder and head of ConvertKit, an email service provider (and the ESP I use to send you my newsletter every other week).

"What’s one platform that fits well with your niche, members of your audience actively participate on, and you actually enjoy using?"

2. Why your nonprofit ​shouldn't ignore media requests​.

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Chief Corporate Partnerships Officer, ​Dogs Inc,​ Palmetto, FL

2. Manager, Corporate Initiatives Accounts & Operations, ​Alzheimer's Association​, Remote ($60k - $75k)

3. Corporate Partnerships Manager, ​NetHope​, Remote

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Tractor Supply is learning that ​pulling back on DEI isn't simple​. Black farmers aren't happy. The decision puts them at odds with the nonprofits they claim to support (i.e., U.S. Vets, Future Farmers of America, and The National 4-H Council).

And then there is this...

"Tractor Supply's move away from DEI also exposes the company to competition from other retailers in the rural U.S. markets it predominantly serves. Some farmers who oppose the company's decision told news outlets they plan to take their business elsewhere, and industry peers with strong DEI profiles may be well positioned to step in."

It's complicated, people.

2. I used to globe-trot, organizing marathon events in various destinations to raise funds for my cause. Nowadays, I would take that same passion and enthusiasm to ​GROCERY STORES worldwide​, turning everyday shopping into opportunities for fundraising! Be sure to tell people you got the idea from me! 🍌🤣

3. What's the ​weather forecast accuracy for your city?​ Look it up! Boston has been hot and humid! 🎁 (🎁 = I subscribe to this publication and am "gifting" you the article.)

Thanks for reading this week! As always, let me know if you have any questions or if I can be helpful in any way.


Newsletter: 25 B2B Marketing Stats to Close More Partnerships 📊 ; Sponsorship Lessons From NASCAR’s Sales Team 👩‍🏫 ; How Companies Should Speak Out on Political Issues 📣


Newsletter: Tractor Supply Cuts DEI, Details New Approach to Cause Marketing✂️; An Independence Day Lesson in Partnership Contracts 🧨; What Nonprofit Leaders Are Reading This Summer 📚