Swedes Go Meatballs for Selfishgiving.com!
You've read the posts, but have you ever heard the Selfish Giver's voice? Well, now's your big chance at Marketing Monger. I spent about 20 minutes chatting with Marketing Monger's founder, Eric Mattson, about cause marketing, its history and how companies and nonprofits are using it to redefine philanthropy.
Eric is an American hanging out in Sweden and just took up podcasting. Judging from today's interview, Mike Wallace better watch out.
I was a bit curious why Eric chose to leave the US for Sweden, but he spoke so wonderfully of the land of snow and meatballs I just might buy a dog sled and move. Eric suggested I contact his landlady, who he assured me is a kind and nurturing woman.
Technorati tags: cause marketing, mike wallace, sweden, podcasting, swedish meatballs