Join Me in Supporting a Campaign to Fund a Super Bowl Ad on Climate Change

"America is the biggest polluter in history. Yet only one in eight Americans know there’s a consensus among the scientific community that global warming is caused by humans. Together, we can raise awareness in front of 110 million Americans about global warming and let our people know what’s at stake. Because only when we acknowledge the problem can we truly fight it.”

Source: Adweek

Julian Carr, Pro Skier

Julian Carr, Pro Skier

This is a great campaign that nicely shows the convergence of influencer and cause marketing, newsjacking and crowdfunding. 

Pro skier Julian Carr wants to educate the majority of Americans who don't know that global warming is caused by humans. To accomplish this, he's launched a Kickstarter to fund a Super Bowl ad that will educate 110 million Americans about global warming.

Team, this is a big idea that deserves our attention. This is an important message that deserves to be in front of the largest TV audience of the year. But it will cost over $5 million for the spot!

Donate to the campaign here.


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