Newsletter: Why You Need a Referral Selling Workflow⏳; The One Quality All Great Sales People Share 💪🏽 ; No One Told Me Cameo Partnerships are Commercial Co-Ventures 🤩 ⚖️

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Just because you're selling partnerships for a nonprofit doesn't make rejection by a prospect any easier. It hurts when you get turned down, right?

I asked Dan Cohen (aka "The Grand Poobah of Persuasion") for a salve for you wounds. Here's what he said.

"All great sales people share one quality: Resiliency," said Dan. "If you don't have the ability to bounce back after rejection you'll never survive in sales. I don't care what you sell."

Three tips from Dan.

1. Don't take it personally. 😫 Remember, most of the people you're talking to don't even know you. So how could the rejection be personal?! They're rejecting the offering, not you.

2. Don't internalize...analyze. 🤔 What can you learn from this NO that will increase your chances for success next time. Treat every interaction - positive and negative - as an opportunity to get better at your craft.

3. Drown those NO's in positivity. ☔️ 😁Try to balance high-risk interactions with lower-risk interactions that reward you and boost your mood. If you just have a great call with an existing partner, your next call should be to a challenging prospect. Follow that call with something you enjoy, like reading Joe's newsletter! Or go for a short walk or work on a presentation you know is going to be home run!

Thanks for the great advice, Dan!

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. Watch for brands to look beyond register fundraisers this fall with partnerships that address the "affordability gap" of consumers buying back-to-school supplies. Interesting insight from the team at For Momentum.

2. Guess what? That D-list celeb on Cameo telling visitors she'll donate a portion of her fee to your nonprofit? Yeah, that partnership is a commercial co-venture and subject to regulation.😳

3. Partnership referrals are too important to miss or waste. You need to develop a referral selling workflow. This is not for the faint of heart. But it would be well worth the time and effort.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. 13 out-of-the-box ideas to stand out and get noticed. I've been talking lately about #1, but #4 on this list is really contrarian.

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Manager, Partnership Communications, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Columbus, OH ($55k - $71k)

2. Corporate Development Manager, The Trevor Project, Remote ($49k - $62k)

3. Director, Corporate Engagement, American Museum of Natural History, NYC

Do you have a partnership position you are trying to fill? Hit reply and share the job posting with me! I'm happy to post it here for FREE.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Why small and hybrid events are the future of event marketing.

2. This article explains why the YMCA may soon have a candle that smells like a locker room. Hint: Scents trigger memories. 🐽🕯

3. Do you believe it's almost Labor Day??? This a good time to check-in on my GAHHDEN. 🌼 🙏

Have a question, comment or just want to say hi? Just leave a comment below or head over to Twitter.


Newsletter: Nonprofit Uses Original Research to Close Partnerships 🧪; Should You Require a Corporate Email Address? 📬 ; How to Rock Virtual Engagement & Impress Event Sponsors 🤩


Newsletter: Where Businesses Go First for Partnership Answers🥇; Book a Trip, Donate a Covid Shot 💉; Don’t Try to Raise Money on Social Media - Do This Instead 🤑