Saying Thank You with QR Codes

Last week on Razoo'sInspiring Generosity, I wrote this post on using QR Codes to thank holiday supporters. My point was that you can make a thank you letter a lot more interesting and powerful by including a QR Code at the bottom that links to something visual.

There are a couple good reasons to do this. First, for all the talk about people using their mobile devices and scanning QR Codes outside the home, research indicates that both these things are done primarily in the home. That's what makes thank you letters a natural spot for QR Codes. It makes your thank you better, and because it arrives at donors' homes there's a better chance they'll scan and get the special message.

Anyway, Share Our Strength emailed me this great video last week. It's a thank you from their staff. I thought, "Every nonprofit should do this. They should shoot a short holiday thank you video from staff and share it via QR Code on every thank you letter that goes out in December and January."

What do you think? Will you give it a try?


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