How to Market Your Cause Marketing Program
So your nonprofit has started a cause marketing program. Good for you. Here's how you can let the rest of the world know it exists, especially the corporate prospects you want to woo.
Blog. You know this is my favorite. The good news is that it's easy, doesn't require a lot of work and will support all your other marketing activities. Think of it as an online bullhorn for your program that is fresh, dynamic, two-way and 100% accessible.
You don't have to post three times a week like I do. Just post when you have a new program to promote, or when you see or read something you really want to share. The important thing is that this info is ready-to-go when a prospect wants to see it--or when they're looking for it on Google.
Website. Not my favorite since it tends to be more static than a blog, a website nonetheless can be a great place to promote your cause marketing program. Here in Boston, The Jimmy Fund and Children's Hospital both have cause marketing web pages. My development office will probably have a cause marketing page too when our new web site is finished. If for no other reason, it can boost search engine results. When you search on Boston Cause Marketing on Google, Children's Hospital is the first program listed.
Twitter. With more and more companies embracing Twitter, the medium is becoming a quick, direct and informal way to connect with businesses. While Twitter is just starting to trickle down to the local and medium-sized retailers I work with, the number of business users is definitely growing. Take my advice: get on Twitter now so you're not left behind.
Newsletter. These can be print or email. My two favorites are Komen and The Jimmy Fund. The former is so completely juicy for cause marketers that I've described it as cause marketing porn. Newsletters are a great way to keep donors and prospects abreast of your latest programs and to plant the seed with prospects for how a program might work for them.
Speaking. Find the places where businesses are curious about using cause marketing (e.g. chambers of commerce, rotaries, marketing and business groups) and share with them the details of your program and how you can help each other.
That's because of all the ways you can promote your cause marketing program, speaking may be the best. You are your best visual aid. No PowerPoint or handout or web page can beat an engaging man or woman. And what you achieve speaking is what you hope to accomplish with your website, blog, Twitter, etc. (i.e. face time with a qualified prospect).
So don't be shy. As my friend John Haydon found out this morning after he spoke to 70 people, your next client (in John's case two!) might be waiting for you when you're done.