Newsletter: How to Promote an In-Store Cause Marketing Program 🏪 ; Luggage Company Makes the Case for Giving 🧳 ; Keeping Partnership Sales Going During the Slow Summer Months 🩳

⭐️Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday, April 8th at 1pm EDT, TikTok Best Practices for Nonprofits with Partnership Programs.

⭐️⭐️Last month, Brittany Hill from Accelerist delivered an outstanding Cause Docs "clinic" on how to prospect for corporate partnerships. You can watch the replay here. It will be well worth your time!

As part of the clinic, attendees received Prospect - Like a Boss, part one of Accelerist's new Corporate Partnership Playbook Series - and they loved it! ❤️

Now the entire playbook is available for download. In addition to Prospect - Like a Boss the playbook includes:

  • Position – Like A Boss will help you to refresh and update your unique value proposition to competitively position your organization.

  • Activate – Like A Boss will help you to identify, activate, and evangelize your donor/event attendee/volunteer audiences.

  • Steward – Like A Boss will help you evaluate and strengthen your existing partnerships like a boss!

Prospecting is just one piece of the puzzle. You also have to position, activate and steward. This playbook will show you how!

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. Last month I reported on the first cause marketing campaign involving Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). As nonprofits try to figure out how to take advantage of the NFTs, there are - according to Jeremy Coffey at Perlman & Perlman - some legal issues to consider.

2. Purchased-triggered donation programs are great, but in-store how do you get shoppers - especially potential new customers - to notice them? Two words: Shelf-Blades.

3. The Willie O’Ree Community Hero Award presented by MassMutual and the NHL is a hat tip to the league's first black player. The awarded prize money will go to three lucky nonprofits!

4. Foster kids shouldn't have to travel from home to home with their clothes in trash bags. This luggage company and its nonprofit partner are trying to change that with A Case for Giving.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. This is just the type of advice nonprofits should be offering their corporate partners. Companies are seeking help to stay ahead of cultural moments and avoid embarrassing gaffes. (I can email you this article!)

2. These designers know how to get noticed on Instagram! You could learn a thing or two from them. "You have to be willing to provide guidance and answer questions that people have."

3. Summer is right around the corner! Here are five email marketing strategies for keeping sales constant during the so-called slow months.

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Multiple Partnership Positions, Operation Warm, USA

2. Director of Corporate Partnerships, Crisis Text Line, NYC/Remote

3. Manager, New Business Development, Feeding America, NYC/Philly/DC/Chicago

4. Senior Manager Corporate Partnerships & Cause Marketing, NPCA, Washington, DC

Do you have a partnership position you are trying to fill? Hit reply and share your job listing with me! I'm happy to post it here for FREE.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. New donors and major donors get all the attention, but what about mid-level donors? Here are five ways to recognize the mid-level donors that are contributing as much as 50% to your annual revenues.

2. 18,000 adults ranked the 25 best muppets. I was very happy that my fave ranked #2. But, heck, Rizzo The Rat 🐀didn't even break the top ten! Shame! Shame! Where did your favorite muppet rank?

Have a question, comment or just want to say hi? Just leave a comment below or over to Twitter.


Newsletter: Engage Your Board in Selling Partnerships 🤝 ; Red Nose Day Becomes Red Nose Year 🔴 ; Toms Shoes Plots a Comeback - But Without One-For-One 👟


Newsletter: TikTok for Nonprofits with Partnership Programs 🤝 ; Jersey Mike’s Day of Giving Aims to Raise $8M Today 🥙 ; How to Reactivate Your Email List 📬