Selfish Giving 4.0 is Here!
Since I started writing in December 2004, my site has undergone three redesigns. This latest is my fourth and the work of Kansas-based Mikhaela Craig and Boston's Caitlin DiMare Oliver. The Kansas-Boston connection was a powerful one as these two gals have worked a lot together. I highly recommend both of them.
I also recommend Headway Themes, the framework on which my Wordpress blog is built.
Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention John Haydon for his guidance and inspiration on all things blog-related.
My goal in redesigning my blog was to give it a more modern look. I also wanted to make the Selfish Giving logo, which Mikhaela Craig created during the 3.0 redesign, the focal point. Finally, chunky headers are out and I wanted my blog's header to reflect that.
In addition to John's blog, I looked to three other blogs for inspiration and guidance. I liked the thin header and the reds and grays, my favorite colors. I always check out Chris's blog to see what he includes, but most of all, what he leaves out. I have a lot to learn and do. I really enjoyed Michael's book, Platfrom. I like how he emphasizes his professional speaking on his blog. Ramsay doesn't post a lot, but when he does I think he's spot-on and no-nonsense. Take this post on sidebars.
I'm not finished making changes to my blog. I plan to tinker away - with Caitlin's help - in the coming weeks and months.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new look and what you would change, add or remove.