Joe Waters Joe Waters

Ep267: Nonprofits and GDPR: What You Need to Know

Today on CauseTalk Radio, Megan and I talk to Ryan Baillargeon, CEO of Toronto-based Grassriots about the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and why nonprofits should be paying attention to it.

On the show, Megan, Ryan and I discuss…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Are Companies Just...Selfish? 🤭; Royal Wedding Marries Companies, Causes 👑; Best Social Media from America's Top 50 Hospitals 🏥

The big news this week is that I'm at the Engage for Good Conference in Chicago Wednesday and Thursday. For cause marketing geeks like me #EFG2018 is like dying and going to heaven! It's that much fun!

Are you at the conference too? Or are you in Chicago (even for the day!)? I would love to meet you. I look like this guy --->>> That's me throwing down some wisdom at last year's conference. Super serious, right? 🙄You can meet me one of two ways…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Ep266: Does Doing Good with CSR Really Give Companies, Employees License to be Bad?

Today on CauseTalk Radio, Megan and I talk to Chris Jarvis, Partner, Realized Worth and Executive Director, RW Institute, about a recent episode of the Freakonomics podcast entitled Does Doing Good Give You License to be Bad. The show makes some pretty serious claims about CSR programs that we examine and debunk!

On the show, Megan, Chris and I discuss…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Thinkers vs Feelers vs Deferrers 🧐; IKEA Encourages School Kids to Bully Plant 🌱; Why Does This Bee Have a QR Code Glued to It? 🐝

The next time you're on a call with a partnership prospect I want you decide what kind of decision maker they are. I’ve decided that decision makers can be lumped into one of these three groups: Thinkers, Feelers and Deferrers. Most people are a combination of all three, but one style usually dominates. And that's where you want to double down on

🤓Thinkers: Thinkers are my favorites because they are most like me! They want to hear the rationale, the logic behind an opportunity and why it makes sense for their business. They like facts, figures, research, statistics, data and any other analytical information to drive their decision….

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Cause Marketing for 'Boring' Industries 😴; Wendy's Loses Pigtails for a Cause 🧒; Why is Tom's Shoes Struggling? 👟

Are you attending the Engage for Good Conference in Chicago later this month? I hope you are because when it comes to cause marketing it's the biggest conference of the year! And the day before the official conference begins - Tuesday, May 22nd at 3:30pm - I'm hosting a Social Impact Mastermind to help people get to know one another and to share challenges and opportunities.

We already have over 60 people registered for the event so if you're attending the conference make plans to join me!

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Landing Your 1st Corporate Partner 🎯; Pretzels for a Cause 🥨; Your Nonprofit's Emails Suck 👎

New corporate partners aren't so much discovered as they are detected. This means they are already there - right under your feet like buried treasure! If you have individual donors to your nonprofit you have a new corporate partner somewhere in your ranks.

Folks, most people don't just inherit their wealth (bless you if you have). They have to work for it by either running a business or working for one. The key for you is to learn as much as you can about your donors so you can identify businesses that would make good partners…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: How to Identify & Research Corporate Prospects 🔎; Six Retailers to Add to Your Prospect List 🏬; Wounded Warriors Loses $90M 📉

Thanks to everyone who attended the virtual sponsorship summit last week. It was great! If you missed the summit be sure to listen to our interview with sponsorship guru Chris Baylis on CauseTalk Radio. Also, read the case study on Children's Miracle Network'sefforts to recruit sponsors for their dance marathon program.

That completes our second goal of the year, which was to learn more about how to raise more money with sponsorship. We're ready to tackle our third goal of the year, which readers identified via a survey back in January: how to identify and research corporate prospects….

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Sponsor Success Story 🚀; Top Retailers to Target 📈; Yogurt Company is Now Largest B-Corp in the World 🙌

I recommend a "Millennial First" strategy to clients. The Millennial Generation is too big and too influential to ignore. Now, they are the largest generation in the workforce. Which cause do Millennials prefer to support? New research may have the answer.

Surprisingly, Millennials are not the ones most addicted to their phones. This one is...

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Case Studies Joe Waters Case Studies Joe Waters

How This Nonprofit Added Four Six-Figure Event Sponsors In 18-Months [SPONSORED]

Elyse Meardon is proud of her work with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN) - and rightfully so. As managing director of CMN’s signature dance marathon program, she and her team are stewards of the fastest growing peer-to-peer fundraiser in the country! 

But even with the programs incredible success, particularly with peer-to-peer fundraising from event participants, there was a clear area for growth: sponsorship....

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Ep261: The Mom Project Helps Moms Return to Work on Their Terms

Today on CauseTalk Radio, Megan I talk to Allison Robinson, Founder, The Mom Project and Brian Zellner, Recruiting Manager at BP, about BP Returnship Program.

This initiative supports professional development among mid-to-upper level working professionals. The program targets women and men who have stepped out of the workforce for family or personal reasons and are now ready to return and reignite their career — an often-difficult transition for even the most qualified working professionals.

On the show, Megan, Allison, Brian and I discuss...

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Search Begins for Top 30 Biz Fundraising Programs🔭; Lawyer Pleads Guilty to Sweet Crime🍫; "Alexa, Donate to My Favorite Cause" 🗣

Are you watching the AMC series The Terror? It's about the 1847 British expedition to find the Northwest Passage. There are two ships, the HMS Erebus and Terror. The show is pretty good, and reminds me of a quest that the HMS Selfish Giving and Catalist are embarking on to uncover the top 30 corporate fundraising programs in the U.S...

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