Newsletter: Social Media vs Website: Which is Best? 🤔; St. Jude’s Cause Marketing Tops $1 Billion 😳; Two Revolts Against Selfish Selfie Culture 🤳🔥
The people who read my newsletter are corporate partnership pros, but the section that is most popular with readers is not "Partnership Notes." It's "Marketing Your Cause" - and with good reason! You realize that the better you market your cause the easier it will be to recruit corporate partners. Since January I've been seeing a trend that I want to address...
At the beginning of the year, I explained why you should be on Twitter in 2019. I got some great emails from people that wanted to use Twitter more effectively. Mission accomplished!
Two weeks ago, I shared a post on what is and isn’t working on Facebook right now. You ❤️it and it was very popular. I'm glad because Facebook - while clearly evil 👿- is still important….
Newsletter: Help Writing Your Newsletter ✍️; Patagonia Stops Selling ‘Power Vests’ to Jerks🖕; How to Deal with Unrealistic Expectations 🙄
Three things this week.
First: Please, please head over and take the Selfish Giving / Catalist 2019 Corporate Partnership Professional Compensation Survey. This information doesn't exist ANYWHERE but is much-needed. As one reader wrote last week:
"A salary survey, umm, yes please! I have a hard time finding out what my salary should be, my peers aren't going to tell me and doing a google search just gives me a wide range! I hope a lot of people fill it out so we can get nice data."
The results of the survey could mean a big raise for you in the coming year!🤞
Newsletter: How Much Do Corporate Partnership Pros Make? 🤔; DoorDash Supports Immigrant-Founded Restos🚪; Boobs Bomb London on Mother's Day 😳
Have you ever wondered how much nonprofit corporate partnership professionals are paid??? Me too!
I asked this question to the gang of Catalist last week and now we both want to get to the bottom of how much nonprofit corporate partnership, sponsorship and cause marketing professionals make! We're looking for salary information for a range of positions - from coordinator to manager to director to vice president. So whatever your job is in corporate partnerships, we want to hear from you! 🙏
Take our completely anonymous survey. It's just five questions!
Newsletter: Hire Me to Speak at Your Next Event 🎤; Jersey Mike’s Subs Aims to Raise $6M Today 🤭; Chick-Fil-A Funds Anti-LGBTQ Orgs After It Said It Wouldn’t 🐓
A big welcome to all of this month's new subscribers! I especially want to welcome all the new signups from Georgetown University's New Strategies Program and from Reading Partners' National Leadership Retreat. Last week, I flew coast to coast to, first, speak in Washington, D.C. at New Strategies and, second, to Oakland, California, to present at Reading Partners.
Whenever I jump on a plane and leave Boston I always hear three things from people:
1. "You talk funny." 🤪
2. "Boston sports teams %#ck!!!" 🙄
3. "Hey, that was a wicked awesome presentation!" 🙌
Newsletter: This Charity Pin-up Raised $323M ☘️; Krispy Kreme Launches Dough-nate for a Donut 🍩 ; Brand Activism vs Social Good: What’s the Difference? 🤔
The grandaddy of 'checkout charity' programs is the MDA Shamrock ☘️Pin-up. The campaign has been around for 37 years. During that time it's raised a whopping $323 million. That's a lot of green! This month you can buy a shamrock at 20,000 retails locations. I bought mine at Star Markets in Newton, Massachusetts!
The good news with checkout charity (i.e. register fundraisers, charity pin-ups, round-ups and donation boxes) is you don't need 20,000 stores to raise a small fortune. Local programs that involve a couple dozen to a few hundred stores can post impressive totals.
Newsletter: Should You Swear in Your Cause Marketing? 🤬; Super 8 Launches ‘Don’t Drive Drowsy’ 💤 ; Game of Thrones, Red Cross Partner at SXSW 👑
A few weeks ago I got a call from a nonprofit with a dilemma. A company approached them about a cause marketing campaign on social media. Great, right? But there was one issue. The campaign involved some pretty strong language, and the nonprofit wasn't sure if they wanted to move forward. Should they connect their cause with cussing? I encouraged them to go for it, but they turned down the partnership.
So, I've been thinking: Is it ever okay to swear in your cause marketing?
Newsletter: How to Sell Event Sponsorships Webinar 👨🏫 ; Nonprofits Say No to Porn, Weed but Yes to Wells Fargo 🤨 ; The Dali Lama Embraces Selfish Giving 🤭
Are you new to raising money from event sponsorships? Then I have the course for you.
For over a year now, I've been presenting How to Sell Event Sponsorships - A Step by Step Guide over at CharityHowTo. During this time, I've been tinkering with the course and making it better and better. The course has always attracted a good crowd and gotten great reviews, but now it's hitting a new level of success and participation and I want to make sure you know about it.
In this 90-minute course, you'll learn:
1. The difference between charity sponsorships and marketing sponsorships and what businesses expect from each.
Newsletter: Warm Leads from Your Homepage🔥; Bridgestone Raises $2.8M for BGCA 🚙 ; Museum Launches ‘How to be an American’ Podcast 🎙
Everyone wants more hot leads (direct inquiries from potential partners). But what about warm leads (someone who shows interest in your organization)? Would you like more warm leads if I showed you two ways to get them???
Okay, here you go.
First, every nonprofit should have an email pop-up on its homepage. Most of you are familiar with the pop-up I use at Selfish Giving. (Technically mine is a welcome mat, but it serves the same purpose.) Yeah, I know pop-ups are annoying - blah blah blah - but the truth is they work for collecting email addresses. Ideally, you should use a pop-up to collect emails so you can send subscribers email updates, newsletters, etc. But even if you don't plan on sending subscribers anything you should still have a pop-up. Why? For the leads.
Newsletter: 150 CSR Execs on 2019 Trends📉; ‘Rise & Shrine’ Blend Supports Hospital ☕️; Best TOF Lead Gen Tactics🌪
Two things today.
First, thanks to everyone for helping the Selfish Giving newsletter recently achieve three new highs. Last week's newsletter had a 52.6 percent open rate! (Most newsletters are lucky if they get a 20 percent open rate.) Yet another new high happened two weeks ago on February 6th when the newsletter had 1,009 clickthroughs on articles. That's the first time clickthroughs have exceeded 1,000. Finally, as the graph above shows⬆︎, the newsletter had a banner month in January with a huge jump in new subscribers - the most ever!
What do these three "highs" mean?
CSR Execs on Trends to Pay Attention to in 2019 [SPONSORED]
At Catalist we like to say that strategy is just opinion until it is grounded in data.
To that end, instead of just giving you our opinion on what is evolving and trending in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for 2019 and beyond, we went to the professionals living that work every day.
We reached out to more than 150 CSR executives and interviewed them, capturing their thoughts, challenges and predictions for the upcoming year.
So, what did we find out?
Newsletter: How to Partner with Sports Teams ⚾️ ; Domino’s Raises $9.8M for St. Jude 🍕; Greenpeace Saves the Arctic from Shell Oil ❄️
When Brittany Hill from Catalist called me last week she had had enough.
"Your past two newsletters have been all about the New England Patriots. 🏈 Blah, blah, blah," she said. "Instead of bragging, how about if you actually show your readers why and how to work with sports teams."
Of course, I was like....🤭😡😬. She had a point. So, sheepishly, I asked her what she had in mind.
"Catalist interviewed a thousand people to better understand the intersection of sports and social good," Brittany explained. "I can show nonprofits why sports teams need them."
"Like how the Patriots need Tom Brady?," I said.
"Exactly," said Brittany. 🤥 "But instead of giving your readers a reason to hate you, I’ll give them a full report, infographic and an hour-long webinar that will translate the findings into a real strategy that nonprofits can use with sports leagues, teams and even players...."
How the Sports Industry Can Join Gillette, Nike as a ‘Woke’ Business [SPONSORED]
Pro-athletes have always used their high profile to raise awareness for social injustices (e.g. Muhammad Ali, Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jim Brown, Arthur Ashe and Billie Jean King). But we are truly witnessing a new day when a league or team’s bottom line will be directly impacted by their social purpose.
Americans want more from our favorite coffee brand than to just a great cup of coffee. We want them to be environmentally, fiscally and socially-responsible. We want them to create actual change in our communities. We expect the same from our favorite sports teams.
But what does that actually mean? Can standing up for a cause really jeopardize fan support for their favorite athlete or team?
Newsletter: Watch All the Super Bowl Cause Ads 🏈; Become a ‘Poptivist’ 🍾; How to Pitch Yourself as a Podcast Guest 🎙
Well, it wasn't much of a game to watch, but at least my New England Patriots won! And we had some cause ads to count and watch. Here's my list of this year's Super Bowl cause ads.
Now, when I shared this list on Twitter, there was some talk that the Washington Post ad should be included. I also had second doubts about including the CBS spot because it seemed less like an ad and more like a PSA for Girls, Inc.
That said, for those of you who submitted a guess of between 7 and 9, you won a Selfish Giving t-shirt! According to my records the winners are Katherine O'Hare, Susan Roschke and Erin Mooney Phipps. Congrats! Just reply with your size and address and I'll send you your tee. Wear it with pride!
Newsletter: Super Bowl LIII Cause Marketing Challenge 🏈; Businesses are Paying Off Nonprofits to Change Regulations 👎; Social Networks People are Spending Time on in 2019 📣
I'm in major prep mode for Super Bowl LIII on Sunday. I have my New England Patriots shirt, hat and socks. I've stocked the pantry with munchies - both healthy and not. I've checked all the connections to my TV and made sure to pay my cable bill. And I've prepared a whole slew of biting comments if we win (and a few good retorts if we don't).
I'll also have pen and paper nearby as I plan to keep track of all the cause ads in between plays. And I'm expecting a lot! I'm betting I'll see 8 cause advertisements during the Super Bowl.
What's your guess?
Hit reply and tell me how many cause-related ads you expect to see. If you guess correctly, you'll get a swanky Selfish Giving tee! After a Super Bowl ring, this will be one of the most coveted items from the big game!
Go Patriots! Go cause marketing!
Newsletter: "Kondo-ing" Corporate Partnerships 👔; Big Changes at the Target Foundation 🤭; Gillette's #MeToo Ad Gets Mixed Reviews 📈
If you haven't heard of Marie Kondo you must be living in a (cluttered) cave. It seems like she's everywhere right now. Perhaps you've read her bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Maybe you're a fan of her new Netflix show Tidying Up. Or perhaps you were turned down for a lunch date last weekend because your friend was "Kondo-ing." You know you've made it big when people are using your name as a verb!
Marie Kondo is on a mission to declutter our homes. But the timing is also right to declutter our corporate partnership programs. Let's get rid of the things that are stressing us out and not supporting our success! A few places to start...
1. Streamline your marketing. If something isn't generating business leads, get rid of it. Focus on things that work and trying things that could work…
Newsletter: Conference Tips for Introverts 😬; Which Companies are Helping Federal Workers? 🥪; Wall Supporter Builds 3.5 Million Name Email List 😳
Since the beginning of the year, several of you have emailed me asking about conferences to attend in 2019. Thankfully, Rich Maiore and the team at Rocket Social Impact put together a nice list just for you. Thanks, Rich!
But can I be honest? I don't really like going to conferences - unless I'm being paid to speak at them. They're expensive. They're crowded. You have to travel to them. You have to talk to people.🙄The networking is hit or miss. And the information you glean from speakers isn't exactly new or unique. I like to say that conference are for people who don't read.
The good news is that you can still "attend" a conference and benefit from the networking and learning. Here's how….
Newsletter: Cause Marketing vs Corporate Giving ⚖️; Are Dollars Stores the Next Tobacco Companies? 💵; Newsjacking the New Aquaman Movie🐬
From the mailbag: Joe, I'm curious...why do you emphasize cause marketing over corporate revenue and the numerous opportunities for engagement apart from cause marketing? It seems like you regularly talk about various ways to engage corporations that are outside of cause marketing, but the focus seems to always be directed back to organizations building a cause marketing strategy.
Great Question! Three reasons.
First, corporate giving is the smallest slice of the pie. As the above graph highlights, there's relatively little money in traditional corporate giving (aka philanthropy) as companies continue to give less and less…
Newsletter: Why You Should Use Twitter in 2019 👍🏽; A Millennial-Friendly Charity Platform 👫; Will New Tax Laws Hurt Giving? 🤭
The day I was born it was a chilly 36 degrees. I know this for a fact because I was a spry 40-year old on December 1, 2007, the day I signed up for the social networking site Twitter. I've been active on Twitter ever since and it's by far my favorite social media site.
Don't believe all the naysayers on Twitter. It's a great place to hang out.
1. Twitter is very different from Facebook, Instagram and other sites. Twitter isn't about your friends or network. It's about your ideas. If you are curious and are a voracious learner - like I am! - Twitter is the right social network for you.
2. Twitter is less personal than sites like Facebook. Unlike the latter, you don't have to think twice - or thrice - before you "unfriend" someone. If people aren't tweeting stuff you're interested in, you can just unfollow them. No biggie. Still, like Facebook, Twitter does have a "mute" button if you'd rather silence someone but still follow him.
3. Twitter is a direct link to another person. No gatekeepers! It's like having someone's phone number so you can text them. I've tweeted with marketing executives, authors and even B-list celebrities…