Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Free Webinar on Power of Storytelling 📚; 100 Hot Retailers for Your Prospect List 💯; Panera Cares Cafes Fold 😞

Bob Schultz at The CauseWay Agency is on one to make nonprofits better storytellers - and he’s bringing in a big gun to help: storytelling expert Jenny Riddle.

Together, Bob and Jenny will be leading a FREE webinar on September 19th at 2:30pm ET on The Power of Strategic StorytellingYou can sign up here.

Among other things, Jenny will be discussing... [Read Jenny's tips and signup for the FREE WEBINAR]

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

5 Keys to Unlocking the Power of Strategic Storytelling [SPONSORED WEBINAR]

I often talk about content marketing, but at the heart of the strategy is great storytelling. The fact is that nonprofits should be great storytellers, but they’re not. They struggle with it - despite its obvious importance to their success with donors, supporters and corporate partners.

As the Content Marketing Institute’s Robert Rose has said, “It's weirdly ironic to me that nonprofits have a struggle making a business case for content [storytelling]. Because mission is the story, right?"

Speaking of mission, Bob Schultz at The CauseWay Agency is on one to make nonprofits better storytellers - and he’s bringing in a big gun to help: storytelling expert Jenny Riddle.

Together, Bob and Jenny will be leading a FREE live webinar on September 19th at 2:30pm EDT on The Power of Strategic Storytelling. You can sign up here.

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: L.L. Bean Counters Bad Press with $3M Donation 🐻; Move Over Millennials Here Comes Gen Z 👶; How Hurricane Harvey Relief Was Spent 🌊

Thanks to everyone who supported my fundrasier for John Haydon last week. We're over $14,000! 🤗

With Labor Day right around the corner be sure to check out the two jobs I posted below for my client ServeMinnesota. They are smartly leading with content marketing and are looking for two wicked awesome professionals to work with me in becoming a content-driven, mega-successful organization.

Have a great and safe long weekend!

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Peta, Nabisco Uncage Animals 🦁; One-Person Nonprofit Schools You on Earned Media 🎬; Tide 'Loads of Hope' Aid Wildfire Victim🔥

I've launched a page on my website with ways that you can work with me beyond speaking and consulting. I'll be growing this list in the coming months, but the first two offerings formalize something I've been doing for months now: Newsletters Sponsorships and Sponsored Posts. With September mostly booked, I'm looking for October sponsors!

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 4 Lessons from Burger King's Drive-Thru 🍔; 140 Companies Partner with Band to Help Homeless 🎸; Are Memes Better than Influencers? 🌭

I had to apologize to my mom last week. After taking her to the hair dresser I didn't have time for lunch. "That fine," she said. "But pull into Burger King because I'm craving a Whopper." As soon as I pulled up to order I got a recorded message asking me to donate a buck to The Jimmy Fund. Of course, I said yes...and then peppered the cashier with questions about the program, which she politely answered.

A few quick lessons about point-of-sale programs that include a paper icon…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 5-Store Ice Cream Chain Raise $1 Million🍦; Back to School Cause Marketing is in Session 🎓; CVS Pledges $10 Million Via In-Store Fundraising 💵

The dog days of summer are here! It seems like the perfect time to ask you a favor. Choose ONE ACTION below....

Do you love getting my newsletter? Do you find it useful? Do you look forward to getting it every week? If so, first, thank you! I'm writing it just for you. 😀Second, please forward it to others who might enjoy it?


Are you a sporadic reader? Did you open it today just hoping to find something interesting to distract you from your work, which probably isn't in some aspect of corporate partnerships? Do me a favor and hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of this newsletter.

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 'Chick Fries' Piss Off Women 🍟; Popeye's Raises Nearly $1M for MDA 💪🏽; Kraft Bails Out Young Lawbreakers 🍋

The other day on the James Altucher Show marketing guru Seth Godin was asked how to accomplish our work in the world. According to Seth:

Zig Ziglar used to say, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." I just like the help other people get what they want part.

You should adopt this approach for corporate partnerships.

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 3 Partnership Myths Roasted 🔥; Girl Scouts Partner with Bomb Maker 💣; Farm Storage Company Puts Your Marketing to Shame 🤭

The North Face, which turned mountain-climbing into a conversation about inclusion with Walls Are Meant For Climbing campaign, is broadening the effort this year, focusing on more public climbing walls.

The program culminates on World Climbing Day, August 18th. TNF plans to donate $1 for every person who climbs that day, with a cap of $100,000. Although TNF is continuing its partnership with The Trust for Public Land (we interviewed them on CauseTalk Radio in September), these funds will go to the Khumbu Climbing Center.

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

New Research Explodes 3 Myths Hurting Your Corporate Partnership Efforts [SPONSORED]

Just about every day someone asks for my opinion on something related to corporate partnerships. Frankly, I expend most of my breath debunking myths about partnership practices! My best responses include lots of facts and figures to support my position. But, honestly, good research is hard to come by. 

That’s one reason I’m so excited about a new report from For Momentum, an Atlanta-based agency that specializes in building strategic cause alliances. Their new report High Expectations: Corporate Partnership Decision-Makers Research Results is full of myth-busting stats on what companies are REALLY looking for in a nonprofit partnership…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Trashed for a Cause 🚮; Lexus Strikes Out Hunger ⚾️; Socks are the New Fundraising Premium 🧦

I love holidays because cause marketing campaigns tend to be clustered around them. Last week's holiday, Independence Day, was no exception. My favorite campaign last week? A hashtag campaign from Keep American Beautiful (KAB) and Fishbrain. The latter bills itself as the most popular mobile app for people who love fishing. They have four million users! There truly is an app for everything, right?

Working together, KAB and Fishbrain launched the largest-ever one-day crowdsourced audit of litter in the U.S. App users were encouraged to remove litter while fishing and upload the images with the hashtag #trashoftheday.

I loved this campaign for two reasons…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Do Cause Marketers Go to Jail? 🤨; Coke's 'Peace Tea' Rewards Random Acts of Kindness✌️; Where the Hell is Geoffrey the Giraffe??🦒

Two weeks ago I wrote about using Facebook to promote your corporate partnerships. I mentioned that in some states it may be illegal to promote your partnerships because of commercial co-venture laws.

That's not quite true, according to my supah-smaht friend and cause marketing lawyer, Karen Wu….

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 'Cup of Joe' Brewing for London ☕️; Harry's 'Shave with Pride' Supports LGBTQ+ Causes 🏳️‍🌈; The Most Disastrous Nonprofit Event in History

I don't leave Boston often, but when I do it's for two reasons. The first is to visit YOU to help with your your cause marketing campaigns. The second is to to go London! Did you know that I'm a yuuuge Anglophile?

That's why I'm heading to London next month and I want to meet you for a Cup of Joe! If you're interested in learning more, just hit reply. The first week of July I'll send you an email with a time and location. I'm staying near Westminster Abbey (I know, so touristy!) so it will be near or at my hotel…

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: Are Networking Events Worth it? 🤙; CauseTalk Radio Goes on Hiatus 🏝; The Most Charitable, Most Hated Industry in America is... 🤯

Years ago I used to work for a chamber that hosted networking events. Members came to these events to meet new people. But that's not what happened.

People either talked to people they already knew OR to new people that were similar to them in occupation and/or status. Sales people would talk to sales people and CEO's would talk to other c-level executives. Watching this happen month after month, I concluded that networking events are a better place to catch up with friends than make new ones.

So what's a better way to meet new corporate partners?

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Ep268: The Future of CauseTalk Radio & Our Favorite Episodes of 2018

Today on CauseTalk Radio, Megan and I talk to....each other! We share our plans for CauseTalk Radio. (Don't worry! We'll be back.) In other news, Megan and I also share our favorite shows of 2018.

What's our big news? Which shows did we choose? Well, you'll just have to listen to find out!

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Joe Waters Joe Waters

Newsletter: 3 Lessons from Red Nose Day 🤡; Vodka Maker Milks Cause Marketing 🏳️‍🌈; 31 Days of Giving is Here! 🗓

Since arriving in the U.S. in 2015, Red Nose Day has raised a whopping $145 million. Most of that money has come from red nose sales at Walgreens stores, which raised $20 million in 2017 alone. We interviewed Linn Jordan, Director of Retail Marketing for Walgreens, about its efforts on behalf of Red Nose Day back in 2016 and it's worth a listen.

A few key takeaways on Walgreen's successful fundraiser…

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